
Welcome to the Defensive Charting Seminar!

I’m really honored you have chosen to join my circle and want for you to:

  • Learn from and with other midwives who have and are taking the course
  • Hone your critical thinking pathways
  • Define the value of a proper medical chart
  • Sharpen your defensive charting skills
  • Debunk charting myths
  • Optimize charting habits
  • Grow your confidence
  • Build compassion for the difficulty of this profession

As you progress through the content, please use the many comment sections to ask questions, make comments and connect with each other and me.

In order to receive 12 CEU’s from MEAC you must add at least one thoughtful point in the comment to each section and complete the open-book post-test.

I am very excited to support your efforts to have a safe and defensive practice and look forward to connecting!



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