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Core Midwifery: Suturing After Birth
Orientation & Post-Test
Preventing Tears
Reasons for Repair (3:33)
Setting up to practice in this e-course
Basic tools (2:29)
Tools for extensive repair
Tools for emergency repair of cervix or bleeding vessel
Holding Your Instruments (1:25)
Loading the Needle Driver (0:27)
Grading Perineal Injury
Pelvic Anatomy
1st and 2nd Degree (0:56)
3a, 3b, 3c and 4th Degree (1:08)
Tears that do not need repair (0:43)
Some Considerations for Community Based Midwives (3:15)
Techniques to Assess Damage in Real Life (2:09)
Labial Tears
Planes of Repair & 3-Dimensional Thinking
3-D thinking (1:30)
1st plane of repair: Vaginal Floor & Running Stitch (0:48)
2nd plane of repair: Muscle Layer & Deep Interrupted Stitch (2:40)
3rd plane of repair: Perineal Skin & Subcuticular Stitch (1:33)
Suturing Methods
One-handed Tie, Two-handed Tie and Instrument Tie (1:21)
Overview of techniques
Continuous Method and Interrupted Method of Repair (2:23)
Hybrid Method
Anesthetic equipment
Using Anesthetic (0:23)
How much Anesthetic should you use? (0:56)
Pharmacology for suturing (2:18)
Injection techniques (2:32)
Practice on Models
Getting Started (2:24)
Tying an Anchor Knot (1:51)
Moving through the planes of repair: Vaginal Plane (7:41)
Moving through the planes of repair: Muscle Plane (3:42)
Moving through the planes of repair: Skin Plane (8:18)
LIVE repair Videos
Video of Live Repair: Prepping and Administering the Anesthetic (2:00)
Video of Live Repair: Assessing (0:34)
Video of Live Repair: Suturing the Vaginal Floor (5:09)
Video of Live Repair: Detecting a Bleeder (0:44)
Watching a 4th degree repair
Video of Live Repair: Suturing the Skin (5:40)
Bonus Section
Positioning IRL
Starburst Tear Repair (2:42)
What NOT to do
Teach online with
Injection techniques
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