Orientation to this e-course
This course is LIVE starting January 2021, which means you can take it at your leisure at your own pace, and come back to it time and time again as needed.
Please use the comment sections throughout the course to ask questions of me and/or your fellow cohorts - it helps everyone have a dynamic learning experience to hear from you!
The course will mark sections ‘done’ as you advance, but you can always go back to them, as needed. There are a few downloadable PDFs for you to print and use in your practice or study, these are fine to share as well. But please do not share your login to the course or videos or other written content - encourage others to also register so they can have the same access as you.
The videos in this course were recorded live during the first offering of this course and the participants have agreed to appear here to aid your learning. Please understand that we are all on a path of learning and be generous with your interpretation of their comments and questions.
If you have questions, don't hesitate to message me
With love,
Augustine ❤️
There is a bonus section at the end of this course, so you can watch along with the live participants of this course as they reviewed some public YouTube breech births.
PLEASE don't watch these first - these are NOT ‘good’ breech births. They are shared in an effort for you to learn what not to do - if you watch them first, you may be too scared to learn what TO do!
If you have any questions/comments please post them below!