What is Homeopathy?

About homeopathy

Homeopathy was first described as a method by Hippocrates, the father of medicine 2500 years ago, with the words “by similar things a disease is produced and through the application of the like is cured” But homeopathy has only been practiced under the name homeopathy for 200 years.

It was founded by Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), who discovered the principle that ‘like cures like’. A substance that can create symptoms in a healthy person, can in the homeopathic dilution treat the same symptoms in one who is sick. This is partially a recognized understanding of medicine.

In homeopathy we work with highly diluted doses of the medicine, so the patient only feels the healing effects of the remedy and not the discomfort of symptoms from taking the medicine in a crude dose. For example: If you treat a person with hay fever, who experiences hot eyes, that constantly run with clear water, that irritates the area around the eyes, then you would look to try a remedy made from onion (Allium Cepa). We all know the effect onion can have on our eyes when chopping them. And if your hay fever feels similar to this, then it is very likely that the homeopathic remedy onion or Allium Cepa can help. Also, we use the homeopathic remedy coffee against insomnia. Especially insomnia that is experienced in a way that is similar to overstimulation from caffeine: Tired body, active mind, no sleep.

Because homeopathy is so diluted, it is without side effects and without any danger of becoming addicted to it. This is one of the reasons that many women get in touch with homeopathy during pregnancy or while having small children. We are with good reason, interested in minimizing mainstream medicine to our children. Homeopathy can be wonderful for the birth experience. I hear many great stories about ‘break through’ remedies, from both mothers, doulas and midwifes.

During the birth the ‘symptoms’ prescribed on are clear, and there is a lot of energy present in the mothers body. You can say her ‘vital force’ is working at it’s prime. These are two great circumstances for making a great homeopathic prescription.

The one prescribing will know more easily what to give, and the mother can say almost immediately if the remedy is working.

Before you prescribe

Two important principles to follow when you prescribe homeopathy

  • The principle that like cures like (Similia Similibus Curentur). This principle requires that we find a match between the present symptoms and the description of the homeopathic remedy.

To be able to make this comparison, the material that comes with the kit is separated into 2 sections:

Repertory: the section where symptoms are listed in alphabetical order

Materia Medica: short descriptions of each remedy in the kit

Start by looking up the most prominent symptom and write down the suggested remedies. And search for clues in the patient to find out which remedy is most suitable. You can also look up secondary symptoms and see if there are cross overs of remedies, another good indication the remedy could be a good match.

  • The principal of minimum doses. In homeopathy we use very small dosages, and we are always aiming for using as little as possible.

We only use what is needed to stimulate the body to do it’s own healing. When we administer a homeopathic remedy, we give one dose (1 pill), wait and observe if there is any change.

If the remedy is working, we don’t give any more than the one pill. Unless:

  1.  The remedy stops working before the person is completely well again
  2. If the same symptoms return

Even when you give more homeopathy than is needed, it doesn’t mean that homeopathy will work faster or better. But we must bear in mind that giving birth is an extra intense experience, and it is therefore likely that the remedies must be repeated more often, maybe even every 5-10 minutes.

Also the remedies Arnica, Caulophyllum, Kali Phos that are usually important after the birth, can be beneficial to administer more often.

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